Butler Road Improvements Project

City of Mauldin Logo
US Dept of Transportation

The public information meeting and comment period is closed. You may view the materials here.

Purpose and Need

The purpose of the project is to improve the operational efficiency, including improvements to the existing bicycle-pedestrian (bike-ped) facilities, along East Butler Road between US 276 (N. Main Street) to the Mauldin Senior Center entrance.

Bikelane with symbol

Proposed Improvements

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), in conjunction with the Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study (GPATS), City of Mauldin, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) propose to improve Butler Road (S-107) in the city of Mauldin for approximately 1.7 miles from the Mauldin Senior Center entrance to US 276 (N. Main Street). The project is located about 1 mile south of the I-385 interchange at Butler Road in Greenville County.

Based on the purpose and need and preliminary traffic findings, the following are potential improvements to the Butler Road corridor:

  • Construct curb and gutter, a sidewalk on one side, and a multiuse path on the other side of the roadway to tie into the existing facilities
  • Add medians throughout the corridor for access control
  • Intersection improvements:
    • N. Main Street: Widen Butler Road to extend the length of the existing westbound turn lanes to accommodate more vehicles in the turn lanes
    • Hyde Circle/Bon Air Street: improve to accommodate the turning movements of large wheel-base trucks (WB-62) to meet SCDOT design criteria and for left-turn lanes to accommodate the traffic signal conditions
    • Murray Drive/Fairfield Drive: add turn lanes on Murray Drive and potentially realign and/or modify access for Fairfield Drive to improve both intersection and corridor operation
    • Old Mill Road and Bethel Drive: realign and separate intersections to improve operations of both intersections
    • Brookbend Road: modify to have one intersection for entering and exiting the neighborhood
  • Replace existing culverts with two bridges on East Butler Road over Gilder Creek

Anticipated environmental impacts for the proposed design

Impact category Total anticipated impact
New right-of-way (acres) 10
Stream impacts (linear feet) 382
Wetland impacts (acres) 0.10
Possible relocations 7
Hazardous materials sites 5
Floodplain impacts (acres) 1.8
Cultural resources 1
*These are estimated impacts for the entire project corridor and are subject to change.

Project Schedule

Public Information Meeting: November 2021
Environmental Document Approval: July 2022
Finalize Right-of-Way Design Plans: February 2023
Right-of-Way Acquisition: April 2023
Finalize Construction Plans: February 2024
Construction to Begin: Underway
Hyde Cir. Intersection

Hyde Cir. Intersection

Butler Rd. Corridor; Existing Sidewalk

Butler Rd. Corridor; Existing Sidewalk

Butler Rd. Corridor; Existing Sidewalk

Butler Rd. Corridor; Existing Sidewalk

Photo of proposed project area - Butler Rd.

Butler Rd.